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I have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum. I offer entry signals to trade each cryptocurrency.

The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis

BTCUSD is forming the last impulse wave C, which is part of the zigzag (W). Wave C consists of sub-waves [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5], where the first four parts have been completed. Now the final impulse sub-wave [5] is being formed, for the completion of which only the last part, sub-wave (5) is required. Shortly the price will rise to the level of 24040.00, where impulses [3] and [5] will be equal.

Trading plan for BTCUSD today:

Buy 23038.86, Take profit: 24040.00

Elliott wave Ripple analysis

Ripple builds wave Y as a double zigzag [W]-[X]-[Y], where sub-waves [W] and [X] have already been completed. Now the initial part of the final actionary wave [Y] is unfolding as a standard zigzag (A)-(B)-(C), as shown in the chart. The first impulse sub-wave (A) will end at the level of 0.466, then the price may roll back a little in the correction (B).

Trading plan for XRPUSD today:

Buy 0.417, Take profit: 0.466

Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

The ETHUSD market forms an upward impulse wave C, the final one in the unfolding zigzag (Y). Wave C consists of sub-waves [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5]. Now the middle sub-wave [3] is being built as an impulse (1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5). It is expected to end near the level of 1799.00. Then expect a slight decrease in the correction [4], after which the sub-wave [5] will start unfolding.  A possible price movement is shown in the chart.

Trading plan for ETHUSD for today:

Buy 1632.90, Take profit: 1799.00

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Useful links:

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  • Telegram chat for traders: We are sharing the signals and trading experience
  • Telegram channel with high-quality analytics, Forex reviews, training articles, and other useful things for traders

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