Sage Investment Club

HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd (HIVE) is around the top of the Capital Markets industry according to InvestorsObserver. HIVE received an overall rating of 55, which means that it scores higher than 55 percent of all stocks. HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd also achieved a score of 70 in the Capital Markets industry, putting it above 70 percent of Capital Markets stocks. Capital Markets is ranked 72 out of the 148 industries. HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd (HIVE) stock is trading at $3.39 as of 10:55 AM on Monday, Jan 23, a rise of $0.24, or 7.8% from the previous closing price of $3.14. The stock has traded between $3.21 and $3.52 so far today. Volume today is 1,008,621 compared to average volume of 1,226,501 ​ submitted by /u/Chance_Specific_1731 [comments]

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